PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買
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專業教科書PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買全書的內容大意
Levels 2/3 Magenta / Red
Key learning Area Science
Theme Farm animals
Text Type Recount
Genre Non-fiction
博客來Purpose To retell and evaluate events and experiences
Text Structure
博客來書店Orientation: Provides information about who and where(Pages 2-3)
博客來網路書店Sequence of Events: Presents events in chronological order(Pages 4-15)
Personal Comment: Evaluates the events that took place(Pages 16)
Language Features
?Key high frequency words: My, went, to, a, We, looked, at, I, some, this, liked
?key sentence structures for Emergent writing:
Three simple sentence structures
。My...went to a ...
。We looked at...
。I liked this...
手腕-中國歷史上的權力遊戲 | 賤好就收 | ||
別用心情處理事情 | 靈活處世厚黑哲學 | ||
最有效益的人脈管理 | 動腦做人,動手做事:動手做事之前,必須先動腦做人 | ||
助你成功的人際存摺 | 做人有謀略,做事有策略:操控自己才能善用別人 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Annette Smith
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/04/13
- 語言:英文
PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買
投資學(第二版) | 靠巴菲特發財 | ||
高績效期貨操作:名家交易策略 | 實用國際金融 | ||
觀念致富-80個投資必勝法則 | 約翰-聶夫談投資 | ||
完全技術分析手冊 | 核心投資法則─華倫.巴菲特的投資組合 |
PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買推薦,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買討論,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買比較評比,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買開箱文,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買部落客
PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買那裡買,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買價格,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買特賣會,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買評比,PM Writing Emergent Magenta-Red 2-3 At the Farm那裡買部落客 推薦
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